
Ordering nurtagain and testing

Recently ordered nutriagain wiegh gain syrup and look forward to testing and posting results and side-effects during trial

Good luck! I've heard it tastes like cough syrup.
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

Where does one get this nutra
grain? Locally preferred.
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

Where does one get this nutra
grain? Locally preferred.

I know you can order it online, but Idk about the stores.
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

How's it been going?
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

Recently ordered nutriagain wiegh gain syrup and look forward to testing and posting results and side-effects during trial

Good luck! I've heard it tastes like cough syrup.

Definitely tastes like cough syrup

Unfortunate. This is one of the times I wish I was wrong.
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

Just looked it up because Ive never heard of it and there appears to be gummies too. Wonder if that is worse because you need to chew it.
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

i've never heard of it either, interested in hearing the results
4 months

Ordering nurtagain and testing

On the fifth day quite sluggish and stomach a little upset. Lots of bloating, may suggest taking a digestive add.

Stuff like this is why I don't recommend using this stuff unless you really need it. And even then only for short-term use.

I remember when slim thick was all the rage, there were scores of women filming their weight gain journeys. A lot of them got their hands on various weight gain syrups.

Never lasted long or ended well due to all of the issues you are running into and then some. It's best to leave that shit to the medically underweight.
4 months